Industry News

5 Reasons EVS Are Not Ready for the Real World

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5 ReasonsEVS Are Not Ready for the Real World

Ironically, I posted an article about the drawbacks of EVS . This week, I  bring you this:

Tesla owners in the Midwest were left scrambling this week as severe temperatures prompted charging issues that left some stranded in the bitter cold.

One Tesla charging station in the Chicago area was flooded with dead vehicles after temperatures dropped into the negative double digits.

I think we all know that we will, at some point, have to find alternative energy to power society and to provide reliable transportation. However, this week’s debacle in Chicago, proves that EVs are not ready for the real world.  We’ve said this back in 2022 and nothing has changed.

And paid-off politicians on both sides of the aisle know it.

So Here are 5 ReasonsEVS Are Not Ready for the Real World

ight now EVS Are Not Ready for the Real World

In reality, EVs will never be  a better choice until:

1: They must have a range of a minimum 300 miles of range in any weather conditions;

2; The cost of buying one is  comparable to the equivalent fossil fuel vehicle

3. EVs  cannot spontaneously catch on fire  in your garage,

4: You must be able to recharge your EV in 10 minutes or less no matter the weather.

5: Battery replacement cannot cost more than the average rebuilt engine.


Other considerations

The U.S. power grid isn’t ready for electric vehicles, because upgrades and improvements to the power grid system are slow and costly, and they’re not increasing at the same rate as EV ownership. Increased reliance on alternative sources of electricity could be the grid’s only hope.

Although the U.S. power grid seems to handle the increase in EV usage fairly well, so far, there are major concerns about the future of the grid’s energy output.

For example, by 2030, it’s estimated that about 50% of all car sales will be for electric vehicles.

Considering how many new cars are sold in the U.S. each year, roughly 17 million from 2015 to 2019, this means that about 8.5 million new EVs will find their way onto U.S. roads each year from 2030 onwards. And this is a low estimate, as several automakers are likely to stop mass-producing combustion engine consumer vehicles altogether by 2040.

Taking into account the fact that most households have two vehicles, this means that there could very likely be more than 248 million EVs on U.S. roads within the next several decades. And we’re not even taking population growth into account.

With that many electric vehicles in use, the strain on the U.S. power grid could jump from 9.5 billion kWh per year (the current estimate) to 1.25 trillion kWh per year when fully transitioning to electric vehicles.

Consequently, the U.S. power grid might be unprepared for the rise of EVs, and the fall of combustion engine cars, because of:

·      A rapid transition away from combustion engines.

·      Slow utility grid improvements and expansions.

·      Transitions to more sustainable energy sources.

The U.S. power grid has to keep up with increased demand due to rising population rates, which was 1,256,003 people, in 2021 and the increased reliance on electrical devices and technology in the average household.

Adding EVs to the mix only increases the pressure on the U.S. power grid to produce more energy and to do so more sustainably.

Transitions and electrical grid improvements are estimated to cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Some estimates expect $500 billion in cumulative nationwide electric vehicle subsidies as linked to an increase in the electric vehicle market as early as 2035.

Even with government and tax-payer funding, it’s unlikely that utility companies will be able to achieve their sustainability and improvement goals by the current deadlines.

The result is a too-slow change in grid electricity output and range. As a result, the transition to EVs might outpace the U.S. power grid’s ability to power those vehicles. However, many EV owners are already considering alternatives to using grid energy to power their cars.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), utility companies in the U.S. generated about 4,108 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2021.

Considering that the average U.S. home consumes 10,632 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, as of 2021, the U.S. electrical grid run by major utility companies produced enough energy to power more than 386 million households.

In its current state, the U.S. power grid is unprepared for increased ownership of electric vehicles. The amount of electricity these vehicles require could severely strain local utility companies.

Belief in climate change is directly connected to electric vehicle adoption.

Only rapid and well-funded expansions and upgrades to the U.S. power grid will ensure that it’s prepared for the switch from combustion-engine vehicles to EVs.

An increase in household solar panel systems can also help reduce the strain on the U.S. power grid and partially offset the increase in electricity consumption caused by the increase in EV car ownership.

That’s more than three times the number of households in the U.S., which were approximately 124 million as of 2020, with 2.6 people per household.





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